Friday 20 April 2007

The Road Less Travelled

At the moment I'm reading "The Road Less Travelled" by M. Scott Peck.I can't recommend this book enough. The main theme is that of spiritual maturity, but Peck writes that the process of growth takes pain and suffering, something we have the innate desire to avoid.

That is all i want to write about the theme of the book, however, i would like to share some of my favourite quotes from it:

A full life will be full of pain, but the only alternative is to not live at all

Genuine love not only respects the individuality of the other but actually seeks to cultivate it

This quote was taken from the health journal:beyond the norm, the context is miracles:

Perception of the miraculous requires no faith or assumptions. It is simply a matter of paying full and close attention to the givens of life.i.e to what is so ever present that it is usually taken for granted. The true wonder of the world is available everywhere, in the minutes parts of our bodies, in the vast expanses of the cosmos, and the intimate interconnectedness of these and all things...