Sunday 24 February 2008

What we do not have!

It becomes a real problem in our lives when our focus is on what we do not have, this is something i find happening to me on occasion. What I've found is that when there is a big desire for something it's place in the grand scheme of things becomes distorted , what i mean by that is it becomes more important than it needs to be, almost everything. Why? Because i let it happen.

However, the last thing i want to do is come out with a short, cliched Christian saying to find some way through this, to be honest I've become a little tired of them and can only view them as a short term solution to a long term issue. In my opinion this whole thing is a process of working on ones perspective, which should be shaped by God and the promises we find in scripture but also by myself. I have a choice don't I? It can be either to walk the journey of life with a focus on what i don't have or to walk with a trust in God's Sovereign will that will in turn brings discouragement, but also the good things when the time is right.

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