Wednesday 15 December 2010

Life is hard...

Having been in the Social Care field for around 10 years now, there have many service users which I've grown close too. In my opinion working with vulnerable people in a detached way is a myth. There really is no way of not liking them and staying emotionally healthy..... Moreover, one could say that it's the human condition to connect, but to most of us, doing so with someone more needy than us comes all the more easily.

So why do I write this? Simply because I've lost two people who where very close to me . And in essence I feel grief and loss, whatever that means exactly. But while I write this, one is reminded that, to grieve, means the lose of something which meant alot, something one delighted in and made life just that little bit better. I feel sad because I enjoyed their simplistic approach to life, things were what they were, no complications and no pretense. And their funny little habits could only make me laugh.

But the reality is, they are gone, and life must go on....

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