Wednesday, 1 June 2011


What an awful program to sit through yesterday evening, seeing such vulnerable people beeing bullied.And in this we got to see some rather brainless people strutt around the home like they were king of castle, and when it comes to vulnerable people who need support in almost every aspect of their lives. they probably were. But it goes without saying that if they were to come up against people who could handle themsleves, they would come up short and shrink back into their.

However what interested me as well, were the dynamics in which the extreme dysfunction sprilled and increased. And like with most group dysfunction, there is always the strong and in someway charismatic leader (pictured above), where by the very force of their personality impose their own deviant way of doing things. Also there becomes a form of heirachy in the overall dysfunction, with people who become like a second in command to the main leader (like the woman who planned to throw the client to the floor). And it's through this form of structure, maybe not named, where the dysfunction descends throughout the whole staff team. Subsequently those who are not confluent with the overarching approach become victims themselves.

So we are only left with what could be called a toxic organisation...

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