Wednesday 14 January 2009

Happy New Year!

I always find that at the beginning of a New Year all my long term hopes are so very apparent, I realise all the more that I still haven't found that special person. However, that's Ok, I really don't want that to define me, or my own existence. But there is always that temptation to minimise hope, maybe telling yourself that your better of on your own, or that your time will come. While there may be an element of truth in these, they are not a part of hope, they are just diversions. The thing is, hope is there to be embraced in all its fullness despite all the uncertainties of life. So I hope, this year, that I meet the woman that fits me. Who will stand and work through all the difficulties relationships inevitably bring, and will be honoured by me.
That is my hope for this year, come what may.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

n His Love

In His love, there's a place where you can always hide away
In His love, there's no need to run, no need to be afraid.
If the world's a sea of trouble, you can always rise above
If you know that you are safely, In His love.

In His love, where all pain and sorrow quickly fade away
In His love, there's a bright tomorrow just beyond today
If your heart is filled with sorrow, if it's all you can think of
Still there'll be a new tomorrow, In His love

His love is never far away, yet sometimes hard to see
If we would take the time to pray,
His love would flow through you and me

In His love, there's a place where you can watch the world go by
In His love, there's no need to hurry, everything's on time
When the world's a sea of trouble, you can always rise above
If you know that you are safely, In His love

In His love, there's a place where you can always hide away
In His love, there's no need to run, no need to be afraid.
If your heart is filled with sorrow, if it's all you can think of
Still there'll be a new tomorrow, In His love