Monday, 23 February 2009

An understanding.

It is only when we experience the extremes of something that we really understand what it is. Take the way we feel as an example, one can only really know what it is to be happy and content when they have been in the depths of sadness and loss. The truth is, times of deep sadness ultimately brings meaning to periods of happiness and contentment for the simple reason that they are such opposite states. And it's for this reason why there is more to these times that meets the eye, seasons of sadness are not only a periods of time to be endured, but they are just as formative as the happy times.

I find myself in one these unhappy seasons at the moment, and it's been a while. There are moments when what I have written doesn't seem all that tangible at all, but I hope it's becoming more of a reality in my life.


Oranjepan said...

I'm sorry to hear this as it reminds me of things I've experienced too - I hope things are improving.

In the meantime Happy Good Friday.

I'm interested in your perspective on life in this town and have added your blog to my local directory to keep an eye on it, but I'd like to encourage you to express yourself a bit more so that a better dialogue can be built up on various issues and concerns we may share.

Anyhoo, if you want to get in contact my email is oranjepan[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk

Unknown said...

Seasons of life are meant for us to focus on our God, the author and perfecter of our faith. Let us cling on to Him and considered that all of our experiences are carefully planned by our Heavenly Father.

Trust His Heart

All l things work for our good
though sometimes we can't see how they could
struggles that break our hearts in two
sometimes blinds us to the truth

Our Father knows what's best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim, and you just can't see Him
Remember you're never alone

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart

He sees the master plan
And He holds our future in His hands
So don't live as those who have no hope
All our hope is found in Him

We see the present clearly
But He sees the first and the last
And like a tapestry He's weaving you and me to someday be just like Him

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart

He alone is faithful and true
He alone knows what is best for you
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand trust His heart
