Sunday, 3 January 2010

Looking for something more

There are a number of things which come to mind at the beginning of this new year, and I have discussed them in other parts of this blog. However, if I'm honest I hope that this year is better than the last, and things won't be so hard. But perhaps to think like this is to miss the point, and to forget that there is something more to the Christian life, apart from our own circumstances.
Maybe this year is an opportunity to find faith, hope and love which transcends my own situation. And this may not change how difficult life is, but can give me a new perspective on it.
Faith gives me the opportunity navigate my way through the most uncertain of circumstances , with a confidence in God's purposes for me. Hope comes from the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, both in the 'here and now' and the future (See NT Wright- Surprised by Hope). And finally Love, which comes from God, and drives out all fear (1 John 4:18).

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